SEO Hero Facts
The original idea came from Wix who started a competition for all SEO’s around the world. This competition has allowed heroes from all over the world to take part in what is shaping to be the biggest SEO competition in history. With the winner taking home $50,000, it becomes pretty deficult to turn down.
Expert Advice
So you know SEO and want to rank? Many know how to feed Google’s search algorithm in order to drive higher rankings which in turn result in higher organic traffic. Unfortunately, the biggest challenge everyone faces is actually implementing these changes. It isn’t always so easy to implement recommendations on large billion dollar blue chip companies.
Page Speed SEO Villain?
You always detected a villain by the implementations of gzip compression and content delivery networks. These techniques can help you significantly improve your websites ability to load faster. Faster page loads result in higher conversion rates and overall a better user experience. So get cracking guys and optimise your websites!