After the leading provider of graphics paraphernalia unveiled its graphics cards based on the company’s Maxwell architecture, the GTX 970 and GTX 980 came bundled with a boatload of technologies that would not only improve gaming performance, but provide a new level of immersion never experienced by gamers or by those who have a penchant of viewing high definition content on their television sets. One technology in particular that the company showcased was its Dynamic Super Resolution technology.
What is Dynamic Super Resolution and what does it do?
Dynamic Super Resolution or DSR for short is able to render a gaming title at a much higher resolution by intelligently shrinking the 4K resolution down to the maximum default resolution of your own monitor, resulting in delivering a 4K resolution game on any screen. The technology was exclusive to the company’s GTX 900 series, but developing a magnanimous nature, NVIDIA rolled out the technology to its previous generation of GPUs. There are several advantages that DSR will present to gamers as well as to high definition content viewers, and if the company decides on exploring the boundless ventures of this new technology, DSR will prove even more advantageous in the future.
Gamers will no longer have to invest in a 4K resolution monitor
While owning a 4K resolution monitors does have its perks, these monitors are still being priced at the point where it does not look to be a suitable product for the average content viewing consumer. Having said that, DSR’s ability to render the 4K resolution at any monitor’s maximum resolution will prevent gamers from having to spend ludicrous amounts of money purchasing a 4K monitor. While 4K resolution monitors have started to come bearing a friendly price tag, it will still take a while for this transition to take the world by storm. For now, gamers who are on a strict budget can happily take advantage of NVIDIA’s DSR.
Future technological ventures concerning resolutions will become available
The road to evolving resolutions is not just going to sprout up a dead end at the 4K resolution. Both NVIDIA and its rival AMD are working on providing graphical solutions to consumers that will smoothly be able to render graphics at the 8K resolution. In addition, depending on NVIDIA’s mood to branch out its particular technology to monitor manufacturers, there is also a possibility that users will be able to view 4K content in the form of movies, and TV shows even if their current monitor does not support that high a resolution. Several monitors have already started shipping out that boast NVIDIA’s G-Sync technology and it will be terrific to see if the company is able to produce some long lasting partnerships with monitor makers in the foreseeable future.
NVIDIA’s DSR is the perfect way for gamers to enjoy 4K gaming content without selling their arms and legs to raise those funds. If things look brighter, we just might be looking at viewing 4K content at smaller resolution monitors the same way gamers are taking advantage of NVIDIA’s Dynamic Super Resolution technology.
Nvidia’s DSR in Action